4-11Duralink64 Configurations for Windows Event Viewer Dialog Box—The local Event Viewer dialog boxwill log port failures in Windows NT. Duralink64 Failover Window—The Status tab monitors thetraffic and health of the Failover pairs.Configuring Ports for Duralink64 PortAggregation and FECConfiguring the Ports in Windows 2000/XPThere is no need to configure the ports unless you want to change aspecific property value (for example, connection type, receivebuffers, and so forth). See Note on DuraLAN NIC Ports on page 4-2to configure property value; otherwise, leave everything as default.Wih Cisco’s FEC, you can configure a minimum of two and amaximum of four ports (a Cisco limitation). A three-portconfiguration is not available—your options are either two or fourports.Configuring the Ports in Windows NT 4.0In the Adaptec New Hardware Found window, each port isassigned to Autodetect, the default connection type that alwaysdetects port connection and negotiates a compatible speed andtransmission mode.Caution: This procedure is critical. Only one DuraLANdriver can exist in a system. If a DuraLAN Standalonedriver, Duralink64 Failover driver, or Duralink64 PortAggregation driver exists, remove it. See RemovingPreviously Installed Drivers on page 3-10.!