1-8DuraLAN Fast Ethernet NICs User’s GuideDriver Configurations for Adaptec DuraLANNICsA number of driver configurations are available for the AdaptecDuraLAN NICs. With the Standalone driver configuration, eachport acts like a separate NIC and has its own protocol leveladdress. In this driver configuration, each port or NIC wouldnormally connect to a physically separate network. Be sure toobserve correct subnetting when configuring your protocol whileusing the Standalone driver configuration. Consult your operatingsystem documentation for details.The following driver types are outlined in the sections that follow: DuraLAN Standalone driverThe Standalone driver uses each DuraLAN port independently.You will find references to standard and standalone. These termsare used somewhat interchangeably. The software GUI,including online menus, tables, and text use Standalone andStandard. In most cases, the meaning is the same.Note: The Windows 98, Windows Me, UnixWare, and Linuxdrivers support the Standalone port configuration only. Duralink64 Failover driverThe Duralink64 Failover driver groups two ports in a Failovercombination, one as the primary port and the other as thebackup port. The ports may be connected to a hub or switch.Note: Novell Client32 does not support Duralink64 Failover.Install the DuraLAN Standalone driver for these OSs. Duralink64 Port Aggregation or FEC driversThe Duralink64 Port Aggregation driver groups up to twelveports together and must be used with a switch. FEC can begrouped in groups of two or four. This grouping requires aswitch that supports FEC.