3-9Duralink64 Driver Installation for WindowsInstalling Windows MeFor the initial installation of a DuraLAN driver on your WindowsMe platform, follow these steps:1 Start Windows Me, and wait for the Add New Hardwarewizard to open. (If the wizard does not open, refer toInstallation Tips on page 3-10.)2 After the Add New Hardware wizard opens, Windows findsthe new hardware PCI Ethernet Controller.3 For first-time installation, when in this screen, click Specify thelocation of the driver (Advanced), and click Next. (The nexttime you install a Duralink64 driver, you’ll check theAutomatic search for the best driver (Recommended) option(default), and click Next.)4 Check Removable Media (Floppy, CD-ROM ... ) and Specify alocation. Also in the text box under Specify a location, enter thedriver path—for example:d:\me(The CD-ROM drive letter may vary.)5 Be sure the CD with the Duralink64 drivers is in the CD-ROM.The default automatically selected is for Removable Media(Floppy, CD-ROM...). Click Browse.6 In the New Browse Folder, search for the correct directory.Select the directory where the driver for Windows Me resides,and click OK. (If you have more NICs to install, Windows Mewill recognize it once the first NIC has been recognized andlocated.)7 Back in the wizard, click Next.8 In the new window, click Next again.9 Then click Finish, and restart the system.10 If you have more NICs to install, Windows Me will recognizethem once the first NIC has been identified and located.When finished, continue to Chapter 4, Duralink64 Configurations forWindows on page 4-1.