102To de le t e a pr ofile ,1. From t he I m age t ab dialog box, click “ Profiles” t o prom pt t he Edit Your Profiledialog box.2. Choose t he profile you want t o delet e from t he dropdown list box.3. Click “ Delet e” . A Confirm m essage “ Are you sure you want t o delet e t hisprofile?” is prom pt ed.4. Choose “ Yes” t o delet e or “ Cancel” t o quit .To r e na m e a profile ,1. From t he I m age t ab dialog box, click “ Profiles” t o prom pt t he Edit Your Profiledialog box.2. Choose t he profile you want t o renam e from t he dropdown list box and t henclick t he Renam e but t on.3. Ent er new nam e for t he profile.4. Choose “ Save” t o save t he new profile or “ Cancel” t o quit .N ot e :The preset default profiles include Flat bed, Sim plex- B&W, 200 dpi, Sim plex- Gray,200 dpi, Sim plex- Color, 200 dpi, Duplex- B&W, 200 dpi, Duplex- Gray, 200 dpi,Duplex- Color, 200 dpi. I f you have a sim plex or a sheet fed scanner, t he duplex ort he flat bed opt ion will not be available.