71D e vice M a na ge m e ntGe ne r a l: Used t o specify t he product ’s general inform at ion.I t e m s D e scr ipt ionH ost N a m e Avision- xxxxxx: The net work nam e ( SSI D) for t hescanner in a wired and wireless environm ent . Xxxxxxindicat es t he last six digit s of t he scanner’s Macaddress.N TP Se r ve r Used t o specify t he product ’s NTP server.D a t e Used t o specify t he product ’s current dat e.Tim e Used t o specify t he product ’s current t im e. The t im eform at is 24- hour syst em .Tim e Zone Used t o specify t he t im e zone of your locat ion.Pow e r Sa ving Used t o specify t he lengt h of t im e t he product needs t oent er t he power saving m ode aft er last act ion. Range: 1~ * 240 m inut esKe e p w ir e dne t w or k ondur ing sle e pingCheck t o keep wired net work on during t he m achine’spower saving m ode.Ena ble Aut oPow e r OffCheck t o enable aut o power off. Range: * 0 ~ 480m inut esScr e e n Off Ent er t he lengt h of t im e t he product t urns off t he screenaft er t he last act ion.Choice: * Never, 3 m in, 5 m in, 10 m inBr ight ne ss Click t he [ Bright ness] but t on and m ove t he scroll bar t ot he right t o increase your bright ness or t o t he left t odecrease your bright ness of t he LCD screen.La ngua ge Choose t o select your language display on t he LCDscreen. Choice: English, Chinese Tradit ional, ChineseSim plified, Spanish, Port uguese, and Hebrew.Adm in Profile Used t o specify t he login nam e and password t o ent ert he product ’s web page.E- m ail Address: used t o specify t he adm inist rat or’se- m ail address.M ult i- Fe e dD e t e ct ion( ult r a sonic)Used t o enable or disable t he funct ion. Choice: ON/ * OFFSca n t o USB Used t o enable or disable t he funct ion. Choice: * ON/ OFFAdm in Ce nt e rSe t t ingsCheck [ Ena ble ] and t hen ent er t he I P address of aspecified server t o send t he syst em log file t o for quickt roubleshoot ing.* : Fact ory Default