118Act ion:1. Follow t he inst ruct ion on t he Warning dialog box t o rem ove t he rest pages ont he feeder.2. Click OK t o close t he Warning dialog box.3. Scan t he rest pages.Cle a r t he M ult i- Fe d Pa pe r : Aut oI f t his is checked, once m ult i- feed is det ect ed and scanning operat ion is st opped,t he scanner will aut om at ically clear t he t ransport of t he m ult i- fed paper. I f t his isnot checked, once m ult i- feed is det ect ed and scanning operat ion is st opped, youneed t o m anually clear t he t ransport of t he m ult i- fed paper. Not e: Theavailabilit y of t his opt ion varies based on t ype of scanner. M ult i- Fe e d Ala r mI f a wave file is added, t he scanner will m ake a sound alarm if m ult i- feed isdet ect ed yet no Warning dialog box will be displayed.I f “ St op Scanning aft er Mult i- Feed” is select ed, t he scanner will st op t he feeder.I f “ St op Scanning aft er Mult i- Feed” has not been select ed, t he scanner willcont inue t o scan t ill t he end of your docum ent .Act ion:1. I f “ St op Scanning aft er Mult i- Feed” is select ed, follow t he act ion described int he preceding sect ion “ St op Scanning aft er Mult i- Feed” on t he previous page t ocom plet e your j ob.2. I f “ St op Scanning aft er Mult i- Feed” has not been select ed, rescan t he pageswhere m ult i- feed is det ect ed.H ow t o a dd t he sound a la rm :1. Click t he Browse but t on on t he right side of t he speaker icon. The Open dialogbox appears.2. Choose your wave file.3. Click t he Open but t on. The wave file is added.Unit sDefines t he prim ary m easurem ent syst em . I nche s, M illim e t e r s, and Pix e ls areavailable.