34La yout Adj ust m e nt sI t e m D e scr ipt ionOr igina l Size Press t o select scan area. Au t o: Let t he m achine aut om at ically det ect t he scan areaaccording t o your original.Det ect able size: A4、A5、A6、B5、LGL、LTR Pr e se t Sca n Are a : Specify your scan area from a list of A4,A5, B5, LTR ( Let t er) , and LGL ( Legal) .Choice : * Aut o/ Pr e se t Sca n Ar e aPr e vie w Turn on t o display preview im age in a low resolut ion t o check ift he scanned im age is correct .Choice : * ON , OFF* Fact ory Default