614 . I n a second, current wireless net works near you will be displayed as shownbelow.5 . Select an Access Point and click [ Conne ct ] t o connect t he scanner t o aspecified Access Point , for exam ple, SMCWBR14S- NL. I n a few seconds, if t heconnect ion is successful, t he I P address and Mac address of t he scanner willbe displayed as indicat ed above.N ot e :I f your access point is set t o not broadcast t he SSI D, please follow t hese st eps t om anually add t he SSI D nam e ( net work nam e) :1 . On t he wireless page, t ap t he [ M or e Se t t ings] > but t on and t hen choose[ Add ne t w or k ] . The [ Add n e t w or k ] page will be displayed.2 . Ent er t he Net work SSI D nam e and choose t he securit y m ode, encrypt iont ype, and net work key and t hen t ap [ Sa ve ] t o search t he wireless net workm anually.Your scanner support s t he following aut hent icat ion m et hods:Se cur it y m ode Encr ypt ion m e t hod Ke y I nde xWPAPSK TKI P, AES, TKI PAES XWPA2PSK TKI P, AES, TKI PAES X