92Ot he r I m a ge Opt ionsBina r iza t ion This is t he process of convert ing a grayscale or color im age t oa bi- t onal im age. There are several different m et hods ofperform ing t his conversion. Opt ions: D yna m icThr e shold, Fix e d Proce ssing, H a lft one 1 ~ 5 , Er r orD iffusion.D yn a m ic Thr e shold: Select ing D yna m ic Thr e sholdallows t he scanner t o dynam ically evaluat e each docum ent t odet erm ine t he opt im al t hreshold value t o produce t he highestqualit y im age. This is used t o scan m ixed docum entcont aining faint t ext , shaded background, or colorbackground wit h a single set t ing. I f Dynam ic Threshold isselect ed, Threshold, Brightness, and Cont rast are notavailable.D yna m ic Thr e shold ( AD ) : Select ing D yna m ic Thr e shold( AD ) t o perform t he enhanced m ode of t he Dynam icThreshold feat ure. However, using t his m ode m ay slow downyour scanning speed.Se nsit ivit y of D yna m ic Thr e sholdOccasionally your scanned im age m ay cont ain sm all dot s orspeckles. To rem ove t hese spot s, increase t he sensit ivit yvalue by m oving t he bar t o t he right . The value ranges from1 t o 30. The default is 20.Fix e d Proce ssing: Used for black- and- whit e and ot her highcont rast docum ent s. A single level is set t o det erm ine t heblack- and- whit e t ransit ion. The t hreshold is program m able overt he ent ire densit y range. Fix e d Pr oce ssing set s Cont rast t o 0.I f Fix e d Proce ssing is select ed, Cont rast is not available.H a lft one : I n addit ion t o t he black and whit e display, Halft onecan present a som ehow gray shade of im age by using differentsize of dot s. Halft one im age looks like t he pict ure we have seenin t he newspaper. Opt ions include H a lft one 1 , H a lft one 2 ,H a lft one 3 , H a lft one 4 , H a lft one 5 .