91Se nsit ivit y of Aut o Color D e t e ct ionI f your docum ent s cont ain prim arily B&W t ext and sm all am ount of light or palecolors and you do not wish t hem t o be recognized as color im age t o save t he filesize, you can increase t he sensit ivit y value by m oving t he bar t o t he right t o lett hese im ages t o be det ect ed as B&W. The value ranges from 1 t o 100. Thedefault is 37.OriginalSensit ivit y: 1( The im age is recognized as acolor one)Sensit ivit y: 100( The im age is recognized as a blackand whit e one)Sa m e se t t ings on bot h side s:Click t o apply sam e scan set t ings for bot h sides of your docum ent s. Aft er checkingt his opt ion, any set t ings you have changed will aut om at ically applied t o bot h t hefront side and t he rear side. For exam ple, if you choose your ideal resolut ion t o be300 dpi, t his will be applied bot h t o t he front side and rear side of your docum ent .