41Adva nce d Ope r a t ionUsing Spe cia l Se t t ings1 . Load your docum ent in t he ADF wit h t he 1st page facing down and t he t opof t he pages point ing t o t he feeder.2 . Press t he Clou d but t on on t he Hom e screen. The LCD Touch Panelprom pt s t he following Cloud m ain screen.3 . Choose your desired [ Sca n t o] cloud server t o save your scanned im ages.Choice : D ropbox , Eve r not e , Google D r ive .4 . On t he Ba sic screen, check if t he docum ent sides, out put color, or filenam e m eet s your requirem ent s. I f not , change t he set t ings t o suit yourneeds.5 . Tap t he Adva nce d Se t t ings t ab t o prom pt t he Adva nce d Se t t ings screen.Change t he densit y, sharpness, cont ract , sat urat ion, and qualit y level andselect resolut ion of t he scanned im age if t he default set t ings are notsat isfact ory. ( For m ore inform at ion about t he scan set t ings, please refer t ot he preceding sect ion – Scanning and Sending Your Docum ent s t o E- m ailAddresses on page 31.)6 . Tap t he La yout Adj ust m e nt t ab t o prom pt t he La yout Adj ust m e ntscreen. Change original size and original orient at ion if t he default set t ingsare not sat isfact ory. ( For m ore inform at ion about t he scan set t ings, pleaserefer t o t he preceding sect ion – Scanning and Sending Your Docum ent s t oE- m ail Addresses on page 33.)7 . Tap t he St a r t but t on. The scanner st art s scanning your docum ent .