56Se t t ing Up Your Filing Pr ofileThe sect ion provides procedure on how t o set up your filing profile t o send yourscanned docum ent t o a specified net work folder. The filing profile can be set upand m anaged eit her t hrough t he LCD Touch Panel or t he product ’s em beddedweb page.Adding a ne w Filing Pr ofileTo creat e a filing profile, follow t hese st eps:1 . On t he Hom e screen of t he LCD Touch Panel, select [ Se t t ings] > [ FilingPr ofile ] in succession. The filing profile screen will be displayed.2 . Tap [ N e w ] t o prom pt t he [ N e w Filing pr ofile] page.3 . Ent er your filing profile inform at ion. Refer t o t he preceding sect ion,Scanning and Sending Your Docum ent s t o Net work Folder, on how t oent er your folder inform at ion.4 . Tap [ Sa ve ] t o save your set t ing or [ Ca nce l] t o leave t he screen wit houtsaving t hese set t ings.SettingFilingProfile