110The Adj ust m ent opt ion is available when Aut om a t ic is select ed. Adj ust m e nt —adds a posit ive/ negat ive m argin value Top/ Bot t om ort oward left / right of t he im age. Adj ust m ent is used when t he aut om at icdocum ent feeder is used. Adj ust m ent reduces t he possibilit y of cornerclipping on skewed im ages. To set Adj ust m ent values, use t he UP/ Downbut t ons t o select where you want t o apply Adj ust m ent values: Top/ Bot t omor Left / Right , and t hen select t he am ount of inches/ m m / pixels applied.Select a value wit hin t he range of 0.00 t o 1.00 / - 1.00.Re la t ive t o D ocum e nt : ( used for bat ches of sam e- sized docum ent s)This opt ion allows you t o crop different areas on your docum ent s and delivert hese im ages in B&W, Gray, or Color separat ely. For exam ple, t here areapplicat ions which require you t o st ore t he ent ire docum ent in B&W and a partof t he docum ent in color t o save st orage space. This is useful for docum ent swhere a phot ograph or signat ure appears in a consist ent area on t he docum entsuch as resum es, and so on.The following procedure describes how t o reproduce t he ent ire docum ent inB&W and a port ion of docum ent ( pict ure) in color.1. On t he Paper t ab, choose “ Relat ive t o Docum ent ” or “ Fixed t o Transport ”from t he Cropping opt ion.2. Choose your scan size from t he Scan Area opt ion. The select ed scan sizewill be displayed in a red rect angular box. This is also t he scan size ofyour ent ire docum ent . ( For exam ple, I SO B5. I f you have not chosen ascan area and leave t he select ion as None, t hen t he default area will bet he scanner’s m axim um .)A red rectangular box