140Pr int Posit ion Choose t he posit ion you wish t o print your st ring.Move t he slider t o t he right t o increase t he value or t ot he left t o decrease t he value. Range: 0~ 355m m ,default : 0 m mThe value indicat es t he height from t he bot t om of yourpaper t o t he last let t er of your st ring. This opt ion isavailable only if an ext ernal im print er is inst alled.Pr int Posit ion ( for digit a l im pr int e r )Choose t he posit ion of your print ed st ring. Choice : Top, M iddle , Bot t om ,Cust om . I f Cust om is select ed, ent er t he X and Y offset value t o specify t heposit ion.The value ofPrint Posit ion0001abc 2010