60Conne ct ing t he Sca nne r t o a W i- Fi N e t w or k in a Clie nt M odeI n a Client m ode, your m obile devices and scanner are connect ed wirelesslyt hrough an addit ional AP ( Access Point ) . This m ode is also t he default wirelessm ode.Conne ct ing Your Sca nne r t o a n Acce ss Point :I m por t a nt :Not e t he wired and wireless m ode can not work at t he sam e t im e. To connect t hescanner in a wireless net work, please first disconnect t he Et hernet cableconnect ing t o your scanner.1 . I f you have connect ed a wired Et hernet cable t o t he scanner, disconnectt he net work cable.2 . Make sure t he Wi- Fi LED light is flashing. I f not , t urn on t he Wi- Fi swit ch ont he back of t he scanner. The Wi- Fi LED light will be flashing.3 . On t he Hom e Screen of t he LCD Touch Panel, t ap [ Se t t ings] > [ N e t w or k ] .Make sure t hat [ W ir e le ss Clie nt ] is t urned on.AP ( Access Point )SettingsNetwork