AXIS M5065 PTZ Network CameraAbout system options7. Click Mount to mount the SD card.It is possible to change the passphrase without reformatting the card. Open Storage Management, click Encrypt and enter theold and new passphrases. The passphrase can only be changed when the card is mounted. Changing the passphrase does notdisrupt ongoing recordings.To disable encryption, unmount the SD card and follow the steps above but clear the Enable SD card encryption option. The cardmust be formatted and mounted when encryption has been disabled.Network ShareNetwork share allows you to add network storage such as a NAS (network-attached storage). The NAS shall be dedicated forrecordings and data from the Axis products connected to the network. For information about reference NAS devices, go NAS recommendations see www.axis.comTo add a network share:1. Go to System Options > Storage.2. Click Network Share.3. Enter the IP address, DNS or Bonjour name to the host server in the Host field.4. Enter the name of the share in the Share field. Sub folders cannot be used.5. If required, select The share requires login and enter the user name and password.6. Click Connect.To clear all recordings and data from the Axis product’s folder on the designated share, click Clear under Storage Tools.To avoid filling the share, it is recommended to remove recordings continuously. Under General Settings, select Remove recordingsolder than and select the number of days or weeks.To stop writing to the share and protect recordings from being removed, select Lock under General Settings.MaintenanceThe Axis product provides several maintenance functions. These are available under System Options > Maintenance.Click Restart to perform a correct restart if the Axis product is not behaving as expected. This will not affect any of the currentsettings.NoteA restart clears all entries in the Server Report.Click Restore to reset most settings to the factory default values. The following settings are not affected:• the boot protocol (DHCP or static)• the static IP address• the default router• the subnet mask• the system time• the IEEE 802.1X settings56