General Configuration Using Local ManagementCSX400 and CSX400-DC User’s Guide 137Subnet Mask — This field displays the default Subnet Mask, and allows you to enter a new valuefor the Subnet Mask if necessary. Subnets are logical divisions of the network that isolate groupsof devices. The Subnet Mask determines how the CSX400 directs SNMP traps to a managementworkstation. If the CSX400 resides on the same network as the management workstation, then theCSX400 sends SNMP traps directly to the management workstation. If the CSX400 resides on adifferent subnet as the management workstation, then the CSX400 sends SNMP traps to a gatewayor router.• When the management workstations designated to receive SNMP traps reside on the samenetwork as the CSX400, use the Subnet Mask default setting for the IP address entered on theSystem Level screen.• Set a new value for the Subnet Mask when the management workstations designated to receiveSNMP traps reside on a different subnet (for example, across a gateway or router)To set a Subnet Mask, refer to the Setting the Subnet Mask section.Phys Address — This field displays the physical address of the CSX400. You cannot modify thephysical address.Default Gateway — Use this field to enter the Default Gateway for the CSX400. When routingpackets, the CSX400 uses the IP Forwarding Table to find the route to each destination address.The IP Forwarding Table contains the routes to all networks and hosts within a certain area.However, the IP Forwarding Table on its own cannot provide all of the routes that may be needed.The CSX400 relies on a Default Gateway to provide the routes to destinations that are not listed inits own IP Forwarding Table. The Default Gateway is the IP address of the network device(gateway or router) used to forward SNMP traps to a management station. The default setting forthis field is NONE DEFINED. To set the Default Gateway, refer to Setting the Default Gateway.Default Interface — Use this field to select the default interface for the CSX400 DefaultGateway. The default interface is the channel which is set up to handle SNMP traps sent to an IPstation that is not on the same subnet as the CSX400 in an IP routed environment. The defaultsetting for this field is NONE DEFINED. To set the default interface for the Default Gateway ofthe CSX400, refer to Setting the Default Interface.