Small Office Remote Access Switch 103A PPLE T ALK R OUTING N ETWORKConfigure the CyberSWITCHC ONFIGURING D EVICE SITE2’S AUTHENTICATION INFORMATIONAt the Device Table Menu, select Authentication. You may then enter the authentication informationneeded for this device. The information needed for each device depends on the device type.For device SITE2, because we will be configuring CHAP security, we will configure a CHAP secret(ikcd98s). After the secret has been entered, the Device Authentication Menu will appear as follows:Again, return to the Device Table Menu.CONFIGURING DEVICE SITE2’S APPLETALK INFORMATIONTo begin the configuration of device SITE2’s AppleTalk information, select AppleTalk from theDevice Table menu. A menu will then be displayed with preconfigured default values. as shownbelow:To complete the AppleTalk configuration for device SITE2:• Select AppleTalk Address. Because this device is over an unnumbered link, enter 0.0 for the Ap-pleTalk address.• Select AppleTalk Routing. Follow the on-screen instructions to enable AppleTalk routing forSITE2.• Select Make calls for AppleTalk Data. Follow the on-screen instructions to enable making calls forAppleTalk data.Device Authentication Menu: (Device = "SITE2")PPP:1) PAP Password ""2) CHAP Secret "ikcd98s"3) Outbound Authentication ENABLED4) User Level Authentication DISABLEDIP Host (RFC 1294):5) IP Host Id ""HDLC Bridge:6) Bridge Ethernet Address ""7) Bridge Password ""ISDN:8) Calling Line Id(s) ""Select function from above or for previous menu:Device AppleTalk Menu: (Device = "SITE2")1) AppleTalk Address None2) AppleTalk Routing DISABLED3) Make calls for AppleTalk data DISABLED4) AppleTalk Routing Protocol NoneSelect function from above or for previous menu: