Small Office Remote Access Switch 55IP R OUTING NETWORK WITH R EMOTE B RIDGE DEVICESConfigure the CyberSWITCHC ONFIGURING THE S ECURITY LEVELTo begin, press 1 at the Security Menu, and the Security Level Menu will be displayed. To enableDevice Level Security, press 2.C ONFIGURING THE S YSTEM O PTIONS AND INFORMATIONThe default configuration for System Options is all security options enabled, which is acceptablefor this network. No System Information or Administration Sessions are required. Therefore, nochanges are necessary.C ONFIGURING THE D EVICE L EVEL DATABASESPress 3 at the Security Menu, and the Device Level Database Menu will be displayed. To enable theOn-node Device Database, press 1 and follow the on-screen instructions.To add the remote devices, press 2 (On-node Device entries). Press 1 to configure the information forour first device, Monterey. You will be prompted for the device name, followed by the Device TableMenu:Select 1, ISDN. The ISDN Menu will display the preconfigured default values:We do not want to use the default ISDN Line Protocol of PPP. Press 1 to configure this device’sISDN line protocol. The device Monterey uses HDLC protocol, so we will press 2:Device Name? MontereyDevice Table Menu: (Device = "Monterey")1) ISDN2) Frame Relay3) X.254) Authentication5) IP6) IPX7) AppleTalk8) Bridging9) POTS10) CompressionSelect function from above or for previous menu: 1Device ISDN Menu: (Device = "Monterey")1) ISDN Line Protocol “PPP (Point to Point Protocol)”2) Base Data Rate “64000 bps”3) Initial Data Rate “64000 bps”4) Maximum Data Rate “128000 bps”5) Dial Out Phone Number(s) “”6) Subaddress “”7) Profile Name “Default_Profile”8) H0 Call Support DISABLEDSelect function from above or for previous menu: 1