Small Office Remote Access Switch 91IPX ROUTING N ETWORKConfigure IPX Routing: Masternet (Detroit)IPX S TATIC ROUTESAssuming the router at Dallas supports triggered RIP over the WAN, it is not necessary toconfigure static routes. For our example, we will skip this configurable option.If dallasnet did not support triggered RIP, you would then need to configure the appropriate staticroutes. You would follow the on-screen prompts, remembering that routes to both internal andexternal networks must usually be configured.C ONFIGURE N ETW ARE S TATIC SERVICESAssuming the router at Dallas supports triggered SAP over the WAN, it is not necessary toconfigure static services. For our example, we will skip this configurable option.Similarly, configure static services if dallasnet did not support triggered SAP.R OUTING PROTOCOLSTo allow the sending of triggered RIP/SAP traffic back and forth to the Dallas site, we need toenable the RIP/SAP routing protocols. From the IPX Menu, select Routing Protocols (Enable/Disable).Based upon the display, insure that both RIP processing and SAP processing are enabled. Followthe on-screen instructions to make any necessary changes.Note that you may also specify the size of table entries. For our example, we will skip thisconfiguration since we will accept the default values for these options.IPX S POOFINGTo avoid excessive ISDN connections, the CyberSWITCH uses spoofing and automatic filteringtechniques. Both IPX and SPX Watchdog spoofing are enabled by default. For purposes of ourexample, we will keep these default settings.TYPE 20 P ROTOCOLThis option pertains to certain protocol implementations such as NetBIOS. Since thisimplementation is not applicable to our example, we will leave this feature disabled.I SOLATED M ODESince this implementation is not applicable to our example, we will leave this feature disabled.T RIGGERED RIP/SAPFrom the IPX menu, select IPX Triggered RIP/SAP. From the resulting screen, you may displayWAN peer list information, or change the global RIP/SAP timer configuration. View the WANpeer list to assure that dallasnet is properly listed. Skip past the global timer configuration, since wewill accept the default values for this option.