Small Office Remote Access Switch 39IP R OUTING N ETWORKConfigure the CyberSWITCHAfter you have entered all of the information for the interface, a summary screen is displayed. Youare asked if you want to save this information. If all of the configured information is accurate, press to save the information. If any configuration elements need to be changed, press N, andreconfigure the interface.Next, we will configure the system’s WAN interface. This interface is used for the two devices RickBear and Ralph Moose. The interface name is a symbolic name given to the interface. For the WANinterface, you should use a name that describes the WAN. For this example, both WAN sites arelocated in San Jose, so we will enter SanJose for the WAN interface Name.You will then be asked for the IP Address for the WAN interface. In our example, the value youshould enter is (refer to Network Topology Worksheet). You will then be asked for the IPSubnet mask information. Press to accept the default of “24” significant bits. Press to accept the default of 1500 as the MTU size. Press to accept the default transmitbroadcast address.The last configuration element pertains to the system’s RIP feature. This information will not berequested if you have disabled the RIP feature. Here, you have a choice of enabling or disablinghost routes propagation. The RIP host routes propagation scheme determines how the WAN localroute will be propagated via RIP. The default value is “Host Routes Propagation is currentlyDISABLED.” With the default, WAN local routes are propagated as subnetwork routes. If Hostroutes propagation is enabled, host routes will be propagated on other network interfaces onlywhile each remote IP device is connected to the system.When the RIP host propagation scheme is enabled, multiple systems on the same LAN will workproperly. RIP information is then advertised as multiple host routes as they connect to the system.In our example network, there is only one system on the LAN. Therefore, we want to leave hostroutes propagation disabled.The following screen illustrates the host routes propagation portion of the entry of the WANinterface information:Current Configuration for INTERFACE "sanfran":Interface Type LANIP Address (bytes) 1500Encapsulation EthernetLAN Port 1Transmit Broadcast Configuration:Send Control RIP Version 1Receive Control RIP1 or RIP2Respond Control RIP1 or RIP2v2 Authentication No AuthenticationAre you sure you want to add the INTERFACE "sanfran" (Y or N) [Y]? Host Routes Propagation is currently DISABLED.By enabling Host Route Propagation for this interface,host routes will be propagated on other network interfaceswhile each remote IP device is connected to the system.Do you wish to ENABLE Host Route Propagation (Y or N) [default = N]?