Adding Equipment to YourAirbag-Equipped VehicleQ: Is there anything I might add to the front orsides of the vehicle that could keep theairbags from working properly?A: Yes. If you add things that change your vehicle’sframe, bumper system, front end or side sheetmetal or height, they may keep the airbag systemfrom working properly. Also, the airbag system maynot work properly if you relocate any of the airbagsensors. If you have any questions about this,you should contact Customer Assistance beforeyou modify your vehicle. The phone numbersand addresses for Customer Assistance are inStep Two of the Customer Satisfaction Procedurein this manual. See Customer SatisfactionProcedure on page 7-2.Q: Because I have a disability, I have to get myvehicle modified. How can I find out whetherthis will affect my airbag system?A: Changing or moving any parts of the front seats,safety belts, the airbag sensing and diagnosticmodule, the inside rearview mirror, steering wheel,ceiling headliner, ceiling and pillar garnish trim,or airbag wiring can affect the operation ofthe airbag system. If you have questions,call Customer Assistance. The phone numbersand addresses for Customer Assistance are inStep Two of the Customer Satisfaction Procedurein this manual. See Customer SatisfactionProcedure on page 7-2.1-68