DIC Controls and DisplaysThe Driver InformationCenter (DIC) has differentdisplays which can beaccessed by pressing theDIC buttons located onthe instrument panel, to theleft of the steering wheel.3 Trip/Fuel: Press this button to scroll through thetrip and fuel displays. See “Trip/Fuel Display MenuItems” following for more information on these displays.T Vehicle Information: Press this button to scrollthrough the vehicle information displays. See “VehicleInformation Display Menu Items” following for moreinformation on these displays.U Customization: Press this button to scroll througheach of the customization features. See DIC VehicleCustomization on page 3-88 for more information on thecustomization features.V Set/Reset: Press this button to reset certain DICfeatures and to acknowledge DIC warning messagesand clear them from the DIC display.yz Menu Up/Down: Press this button to scroll upand down the menu items.Trip/Fuel Display Menu Items3 (Trip/Fuel): The following display menu itemscan be displayed by pressing the trip/fuel button:TRIP A or TRIP BThese displays show the current distance traveled sincethe last reset for each trip odometer in either miles (mi)or kilometers (km). Both odometers can be used atthe same time. Each trip odometer can be reset to zeroseparately by pressing and holding the set/resetbutton for a few seconds while the desired trip odometeris displayed.3-72