Z (Eject): Press the CD eject button to eject CD(s).To eject the CD that is currently playing, press andrelease this button. You will hear a beep and EjectingDisc will be displayed. Once the disc is ejected, RemoveDisc will appear on display. The CD can be removed.If the CD is not removed, after several seconds, the CDwill be automatically pulled back into the player andbegin playing.For the Six-Disc CD player, press and hold the ejectbutton for two seconds to eject all discs.a (Tune): Turn this knob to select tracks on the CDcurrently playing.© SEEK ¨: Press the left SEEK arrow to go to thestart of the current track, if more than ten seconds haveplayed. Press the right SEEK arrow to go to the nexttrack. If either SEEK arrow is held, or pressed multipletimes, the player will continue moving backward orforward through the tracks on the CD.s REV (Reverse): Press and hold this button toreverse playback quickly within a track. You willhear sound at a reduced volume. Release this button toresume playing the track. The elapsed time of thetrack will appear on the display.\ FWD (Fast Forward): Press and hold this buttonto advance playback quickly within a track. You willhear sound at a reduced volume. Release this button toresume playing the track. The elapsed time of thetrack will appear on the display.RDM (Random): With random, you can listen to thetracks in random, rather than sequential order, onone CD or all CDs in a six-disc CD player. To userandom, do one of the following:• To play the tracks from the CD you are listening toin random order, press the pushbutton positionedunder the RDM label until Randomize CurrentDisc is displayed. Press the pushbutton again toturn off random play.• To play tracks from all CDs loaded in a six-disc CDplayer in random order, press the pushbuttonpositioned under the RDM label until Randomize AllDiscs is displayed. Press the same pushbuttonagain to turn off random play.3-114