Lighting 5-7This is because the generator(alternator) may not be spinning fastenough at idle to produce all thepower that is needed for very highelectrical loads.A high electrical load occurs whenseveral of the following are on, suchas: headlamps, high beams, foglamps, rear window defogger,climate control fan at high speed,heated seats, engine cooling fans,trailer loads, and loads plugged intoaccessory power outlets.EPM works to prevent excessivedischarge of the battery. It does thisby balancing the generator's outputand the vehicle's electrical needs.It can increase engine idle speed togenerate more power, wheneverneeded. It can temporarily reducethe power demands of someaccessories.Normally, these actions occur insteps or levels, without beingnoticeable. In rare cases at thehighest levels of corrective action,this action may be noticeable to thedriver. If so, a Driver InformationCenter (DIC) message might bedisplayed, such as BATTERYSAVER ACTIVE, BATTERYVOLTAGE LOW, or LOW BATTERY.If one of these messages displays,it is recommended that the driverreduce the electrical loads as muchas possible. See Driver InformationCenter (DIC) on page 4‑31.Battery Power ProtectionThis feature helps to prevent batterydrain if accessory lamps are left on.If accessory lamps such as thevanity mirror, cargo, reading,console, or glove box are left on,they automatically time-out afterabout 20 minutes. To reset thebattery protection, all of theabove lamps must be turned offor the ignition must be in theACC/ACCESSORY position.Exterior Lighting BatterySaverThe exterior lamps turn off about10 minutes after the ignition isturned to LOCK/OFF, if the parkinglamps or headlamps have been lefton. This protects against drainingthe battery. The battery saverdoes not work if the headlamps areturned on after the ignition is turnedto LOCK/OFF.To keep the lamps on for more than10 minutes, turn the lamps back onwith the exterior lamp control.