2-44 Seats and RestraintsAccording to accident statistics,children and infants are safer whenproperly restrained in a childrestraint system or infant restraintsystem secured in a rear seatingposition.In a crash, children who are notbuckled up can strike other peoplewho are buckled up, or can bethrown out of the vehicle. Olderchildren need to use safety beltsproperly.{ WARNINGNever do this.Never allow two children to wearthe same safety belt. The safetybelt can not properly spread theimpact forces. In a crash, the twochildren can be crushed togetherand seriously injured. A safetybelt must be used by only oneperson at a time.{ WARNINGNever do this.Never allow a child to wear thesafety belt with the shoulder beltbehind their back. A child can beseriously injured by not wearingthe lap-shoulder belt properly.In a crash, the child would not berestrained by the shoulder belt.(Continued)WARNING (Continued)The child could move too farforward increasing the chance ofhead and neck injury. The childmight also slide under the lapbelt. The belt force would then beapplied right on the abdomen.That could cause serious or fatalinjuries. The shoulder belt shouldgo over the shoulder and acrossthe chest.