8-38 Driving and OperatingThe TCS/StabiliTrak warning lightflashes when the traction controlsystem is limiting wheel spin.The TCS/StabiliTrak warning lightcomes on if there is a problemwith the traction control system.When the TCS/StabiliTrak warninglight is on, the system will not limitwheel spin. Adjust your drivingaccordingly. See Traction ControlSystem (TCS)/StabiliTrak ® Light onpage 4‑28 for more information.TCS automatically comes onwhenever the vehicle is started.To limit wheel spin, especially inslippery road conditions, the systemshould always be left on, but it maybe necessary to turn the system offif the vehicle is stuck in sand, mudor snow and rocking the vehicle isrequired. See If the Vehicle is Stuckon page 8‑12 for more information.See Winter Driving on page 8‑10for information on using TCS whendriving in snowy or icy conditions.The TCS/StabiliTrak button islocated on the instrumentpanel (CTS) or the steeringwheel (CTS-V).Press and release the TCS/StabiliTrak button and the tractioncontrol system will turn off and theTCS/StabiliTrak warning light willcome on. Press the button againto turn the system back on. Forinformation on turning StabiliTrakoff and on, see StabiliTrak Systemfollowing.Adding non-dealer/non-retaileraccessories can affect yourvehicle's performance. SeeAccessories and Modifications onpage 9‑3 for more information.StabiliTrak SystemThe vehicle has an electronicstability control system calledStabiliTrak. It is an advancedcomputer controlled system thatassists with directional control of thevehicle in difficult driving conditions.StabiliTrak activates when thesystem senses a discrepancybetween the intended path and thedirection the vehicle is actuallytraveling. StabiliTrak selectivelyapplies braking pressure at any oneof the vehicle's brakes to help steerthe vehicle in the direction whichyou are steering.