iv IntroductionCanadian Vehicle OwnersPropriétaires CanadiensA French language copy of thismanual can be obtained from yourdealer/retailer or from:On peut obtenir un exemplaire dece guide en français auprès duconcessionnaire ou à l'adressesuivante:Helm, IncorporatedP.O. Box 07130Detroit, MI 482071-800-551-4123Numéro de poste 6438 de languefrançaisewww.helminc.comUsing this ManualTo quickly locate information aboutthe vehicle use the Index in theback of the manual. It is analphabetical list of what is in themanual and the page number whereit can be found.Danger, Warnings, andCautionsWarning messages found on vehiclelabels and in this manual describehazards and what to do to avoid orreduce them.Danger indicates a hazard with ahigh level of risk which will result inserious injury or death.Warning or Caution indicates ahazard that could result in injury ordeath.{ WARNINGThese mean there is somethingthat could hurt you or otherpeople.Notice: This means there issomething that could result inproperty or vehicle damage.This would not be covered bythe vehicle's warranty.A circle with a slash through it isa safety symbol which means“Do Not,” “Do not do this” or “Do notlet this happen.”SymbolsThe vehicle has components andlabels that use symbols instead oftext. Symbols are shown along withthe text describing the operation orinformation relating to a specificcomponent, control, message, gage,or indicator.M : This symbol is shown whenyou need to see your owner manualfor additional instructions orinformation.* : This symbol is shown whenyou need to see a service manualfor additional instructions orinformation.