Driving and Operating 8-9HydroplaningHydroplaning is dangerous. Watercan build up under your vehicle'stires so they actually ride on thewater. This can happen if the road iswet enough and you are going fastenough. When your vehicle ishydroplaning, it has little or nocontact with the road.There is no hard and fast rule abouthydroplaning. The best advice is toslow down when the road is wet.Other Rainy Weather TipsBesides slowing down, other wetweather driving tips include:. Allow extra following distance.. Pass with caution.. Keep windshield wipingequipment in good shape.. Keep the windshield washerfluid reservoir filled.. Have good tires with propertread depth. See Tires onpage 9‑58.. Turn off cruise control.Highway HypnosisAlways be alert and pay attention toyour surroundings while driving.If you become tired or sleepy, find asafe place to park your vehicleand rest.Other driving tips include:. Keep the vehicle well ventilated.. Keep interior temperature cool.. Keep your eyes moving — scanthe road ahead and to the sides.. Check the rearview mirror andvehicle instruments often.Hill and Mountain RoadsDriving on steep hills or throughmountains is different than drivingon flat or rolling terrain. Tips fordriving in these conditions include:. Keep the vehicle serviced and ingood shape.. Check all fluid levels and brakes,tires, cooling system, andtransmission.. Going down steep or long hills,shift to a lower gear.{ WARNINGIf you do not shift down, thebrakes could get so hot that theywould not work well. You wouldthen have poor braking or evennone going down a hill. You couldcrash. Shift down to let the engineassist the brakes on a steepdownhill slope.