6-14 Infotainment SystemXM MessagesXL (Explicit LanguageChannels): These channels, orany others, can be blocked at acustomer's request, by calling1-800-852-XMXM (9696).XM Updating: The encryption codein the receiver is being updated, andno action is required. This processshould take no longer than30 seconds.No XM Signal: The system isfunctioning correctly, but the vehicleis in a location that is blocking theXM™ signal. When the vehicle ismoved into an open area, the signalshould return.Loading XM: The audio system isacquiring and processing audio andtext data. No action is needed. Thismessage should disappear shortly.Channel Off Air: This channel isnot currently in service. Tune in toanother channel.Channel Unauth: This channel isblocked or cannot be received withyour XM Subscription package.Channel Unavail: This previouslyassigned channel is no longerassigned. Tune to another station.If this station was one of thepresets, choose another station forthat preset button.No Artist Info: No artistinformation is available at this timeon this channel. The system isworking properly.No Title Info: No song titleinformation is available at this timeon this channel. The system isworking properly.No CAT Info: No categoryinformation is available at this timeon this channel. The system isworking properly.No Information: No text orinformational messages areavailable at this time on thischannel. The system is workingproperly.CAT Not Found: There are nochannels available for the selectedcategory. The system is workingproperly.XM Theftlocked: The XM receiverin the vehicle could have previouslybeen in another vehicle. For securitypurposes, XM receivers cannot beswapped between vehicles. If thismessage is received after havingthe vehicle serviced, check withyour dealer/retailer.XM Radio ID: If tuned to channel 0,this message alternates with theXM™ Radio 8 digit radio ID label.This label is needed to activate theservice.Unknown: If this message isreceived when tuned to channel 0,there could be a receiver fault.Consult with your dealer/retailer.Check XM Receivr: If thismessage does not clear within ashort period of time, the receivercould have a fault. Consult with yourdealer/retailer.