1-30 Keys, Doors and WindowsExpress Window Anti-PinchOverride{ WARNINGIf express override is activated,the window will not reverseautomatically. You or others couldbe injured and the window couldbe damaged. Before you useexpress override, make sure thatall people and obstructions areclear of the window path.In an emergency, the anti-pinchfeature can be overridden in asupervised mode. Hold the windowswitch all the way up to the secondposition. The window will rise for aslong as the switch is held. Once theswitch is released, the expressmode is re-activated.In this mode, the window can stillclose on an object in its path. Usecare when using the override mode.Programming the PowerWindowsIf the battery on the vehicle hasbeen recharged, disconnected,or is not working, you will need toreprogram each front power windowfor the express-up feature to work.Before reprogramming, replace orrecharge the vehicle's battery.To program each front window,follow these steps:1. With the ignition in ACC/ACCESSORY, ON/RUN,or when Retained AccessoryPower (RAP) is active, closeall doors.2. Press and hold the powerwindow switch until the windowis fully open.3. Pull the power window switch upuntil the window is fully closed.4. Continue holding the switch upfor approximately two secondsafter the window is completelyclosed.The window is now reprogrammed.Repeat the process for the otherwindows.Window Lockouto (Window Lockout): The rearwindow lockout button is located onthe driver door near the windowswitches.Press the right side of the button todisable the rear window controls.The light on the button willilluminate, indicating the feature is inuse. The rear windows still can beraised or lowered using the driverwindow switches when the lockoutfeature is active.To restore power to the rearwindows, press the button again.The light on the button will go out.