Vehicle Care 9-79Traction – AA, A, B, CThe traction grades, fromhighest to lowest, are AA, A, B,and C. Those grades representthe tire's ability to stop on wetpavement as measured undercontrolled conditions onspecified government testsurfaces of asphalt andconcrete. A tire marked C mayhave poor traction performance.Temperature – A, B, CThe temperature grades areA (the highest), B, and C,representing the tire's resistanceto the generation of heat andits ability to dissipate heatwhen tested under controlledconditions on a specified indoorlaboratory test wheel. Sustainedhigh temperature can cause thematerial of the tire to degenerateand reduce tire life, andexcessive temperature canlead to sudden tire failure.The grade C corresponds to alevel of performance which allpassenger car tires must meetunder the Federal Motor VehicleSafety Standard No. 109.Grades B and A representhigher levels of performance onthe laboratory test wheel thanthe minimum required by law.It should be noted that thetemperature grade for this tire isestablished for a tire that isproperly inflated and notoverloaded. Excessive speed,underinflation, or excessiveloading, either separately or incombination, can cause heatbuildup and possible tire failure.Wheel Alignment and TireBalanceThe tires and wheels on yourvehicle were aligned and balancedcarefully at the factory to give youthe longest tire life and best overallperformance. Adjustments to wheelalignment and tire balancing will notbe necessary on a regular basis.However, if you notice unusual tirewear or your vehicle pulling to oneside or the other, the alignmentmight need to be checked. If younotice your vehicle vibrating whendriving on a smooth road, the tiresand wheels might need to berebalanced. See your dealer/retailerfor proper diagnosis.CTS-V models should only useadhesive wheel weights to balancethe tires and wheels.