Customer Information 12-9Transportation OptionsWarranty service can generally becompleted while you wait. However,if you are unable to wait, GM helpsto minimize your inconvenience byproviding several transportationoptions. Depending on thecircumstances, your dealer canoffer you one of the following:Shuttle ServiceShuttle service is the preferredmeans of offering CourtesyTransportation. Dealers may provideyou with shuttle service to get youto your destination with minimalinterruption of your daily schedule.This includes one-way or round tripshuttle service within reasonabletime and distance parameters of thedealer's area.Public Transportation or FuelReimbursementIf your vehicle requires overnightwarranty repairs, and publictransportation is used instead of thedealer's shuttle service, the expensemust be supported by originalreceipts and can only be up to themaximum amount allowed by GMfor shuttle service. In addition, forU.S. customers, should you arrangetransportation through a friend orrelative, limited reimbursement forreasonable fuel expenses may beavailable. Claim amounts shouldreflect actual costs and besupported by original receipts.See your dealer for informationregarding the allowance amountsfor reimbursement of fuel or othertransportation costs.Courtesy Rental VehicleYour dealer may arrange to provideyou with a courtesy rental vehicle orreimburse you for a rental vehiclethat you obtain if your vehicle iskept for an overnight warrantyrepair. Rental reimbursement willbe limited and must be supportedby original receipts. This requiresthat you sign and complete arental agreement and meet state/provincial, local, and rentalvehicle provider requirements.Requirements vary and may includeminimum age requirements,insurance coverage, credit card,etc. You are responsible for fuelusage charges and may also beresponsible for taxes, levies, usagefees, excessive mileage, or rentalusage beyond the completion of therepair.It may not be possible to provide alike-vehicle as a courtesy rental.