2-52 Seats and RestraintsTop Tether AnchorA top tether (A, C) anchors the topof the child restraint to the vehicle.A top tether anchor is built intothe vehicle. The top tetherattachment (B) on the child restraintconnects to the top tether anchor inthe vehicle in order to reduce theforward movement and rotation ofthe child restraint during driving orin a crash.Your child restraint may havea single tether (A) or a dualtether (C). Either will have asingle attachment (B) to securethe top tether to the anchor.Some child restraints with toptethers are designed for use withor without the top tether beingattached. Others require the toptether always to be attached.In Canada, the law requires thatforward-facing child restraints havea top tether, and that the tether beattached. Be sure to read andfollow the instructions for yourchild restraint.If the child restraint does not have atop tether, one can be obtained, inkit form, for many child restraints.Ask the child restraint manufacturerwhether or not a kit is available.Lower Anchor and Top TetherAnchor LocationsRear Seati (Top Tether Anchor): Seatingpositions with top tether anchors.j (Lower Anchor): Seatingpositions with two lower anchors.