Black plate (36,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-6014443) - 2014 - CRC - 4/3/139-36 Driving and OperatingIf the light does not come on,or remains flashing, you need tohave the vehicle serviced. Do notdrive the vehicle if the BRAKE lightis flashing. See your dealer. SeeBrake System Warning Light onpage 5-22 for more information.If the EPB is applied while thevehicle is in motion, a chime willsound, and the DIC messageRELEASE PARK BRAKE SWITCHwill be displayed. The vehicle willdecelerate as long as the switch isheld in the up position. Releasingthe EPB switch during thedeceleration will release the parkingbrake. If the switch is held in the upposition until the vehicle comes to astop, the EPB will remain applied.If the BRAKE light is on, either theEPB is applied, or there is a failurein the hydraulic brake system.If this light is flashing continuously,the EPB is only partially applied orreleased, or there is a problem withthe EPB. The DIC messageSERVICE PARK BRAKE will bedisplayed. If this light is flashingcontinuously, release the EPB, andattempt to apply it again. If this lightcontinues to flash, do not drive thevehicle. See your dealer.If the yellow light is on, the EPB hasdetected an error in another systemand is operating with reducedfunctionality. To apply the EPB whenthis light is on, lift up on the EPBswitch and hold it in the up position.Full application of the parking brakeby the EPB system may take alonger period of time than normalwhen this light is on. Continue tohold the switch until the BRAKElight remains on. If the yellow light ison, see your dealer.If the EPB fails to apply, the rearwheels should be blocked toprevent vehicle movement.EPB ReleaseTo release the EPB, turn the ignitionswitch to the ACC/ACCESSORY orON/RUN position, apply and holdthe brake pedal, and push downmomentarily on the EPB switch.If you attempt to release the EPBwithout the brake pedal applied, achime will sound, and the DICmessage STEP ON BRAKE TORELEASE PARK BRAKE will bedisplayed. The EPB is releasedwhen the BRAKE light is off and theDIC message PARK BRAKERELEASED is displayed.If the yellow light is on, the EPB hasdetected an error in another systemand is operating with reducedfunctionality. To release the EPBwhen this light is on, push down onthe EPB switch and hold it in thedown position. EPB release maytake a longer period of time thannormal when this light is on.Continue to hold the switch until theBRAKE light is off. If the yellow lightis on, see your dealer.