212 DRIVING AND OPERATINGbrake or shift to a lower gear to keepthe vehicle speed down. If the brakepedal is applied, cruise controldisengages.Ending Cruise ControlThere are four ways to end cruisecontrol:. Step lightly on the brake pedal.. Press *.. Shift the transmission toN (Neutral).. Press J.Erasing Speed MemoryThe cruise control set speed is erasedfrom memory if J is pressed or ifthe ignition is turned off.Adaptive Cruise ControlIf equipped with Adaptive CruiseControl (ACC), it allows the driver toselect the cruise control set speed andfollowing gap. Read this entire sectionbefore using this system. Thefollowing gap is the following timebetween your vehicle and a vehicledetected directly ahead in your pathmoving in the same direction. If novehicle is detected in your path, ACCworks like regular cruise control. ACCuses camera and radar sensors. SeeDeclaration of Conformity 0 334.If a vehicle is detected in your path,ACC can apply acceleration or limited,moderate braking to maintain theselected following gap. To disengageACC, apply the brake. If ACC iscontrolling your vehicle speed whenthe Traction Control System (TCS) orelectronic stability control systemactivates, the ACC may automaticallydisengage. See Traction Control/Electronic Stability Control 0 202. Whenroad conditions allow ACC to be safelyused, the ACC can be turned back on.ACC will not engage if the TCS orelectronic stability control system isdisabled.{ WarningACC has limited braking ability andmay not have time to slow thevehicle down enough to avoid acollision with another vehicle youare following. This can occur whenvehicles suddenly slow or stopahead, or enter your lane. Also see“Alerting the Driver” in this section.Complete attention is alwaysrequired while driving and youshould be ready to take action andapply the brakes. See DefensiveDriving 0 175.