VEHICLE CARE 255(away from the vehicle), to releaseloose dust and dirt. Inspect the engineair cleaner/filter for damage, andreplace if damaged. Do not clean theengine air cleaner/filter orcomponents with water orcompressed air.To inspect or replace the air cleaner/filter:2.0L L4 Engine (LTG)1. Remove the screws on top of theair cleaner/filter cover.2. Lift the air cleaner/filter coveraway from the air cleaner/filterhousing.3. Pull out the air cleaner/filter.4. Inspect or replace the aircleaner/filter.5. Reverse Steps 1-3 to reinstall theair cleaner/filter cover.6.2L V8 Engine (LT4)1. Remove the screws on top of theair cleaner/filter cover.2. Lift the air cleaner/filter coveraway from the air cleaner/filterhousing.3. Pull out the air cleaner/filter.4. Inspect or replace the engine aircleaner/filter.5. Reverse Steps 1-3 to reinstall theair cleaner/filter cover.{ WarningOperating the engine with the aircleaner/filter off can cause you orothers to be burned. The air cleanernot only cleans the air; it helps tostop flames if the engine backfires.Use caution when working on theengine and do not drive with the aircleaner/filter off.CautionIf the air cleaner/filter is off, dirtcan easily get into the engine,which could damage it. Always havethe air cleaner/filter in place whendriving.Cooling SystemThe cooling system allows the engineto maintain the correct workingtemperature.