CUSTOMER INFORMATION 337. Environmental concerns (e.g.,temperature).This data is exclusively technical andhelps identify and correct errors aswell as optimise vehicle functions.Motion profiles indicating travelledroutes cannot be created withthis data.If services are used (e.g., repair works,service processes, warranty cases,quality assurance), employees of theservice network (manufacturerincluded) are able to read out thistechnical information from the eventand error data storage modulesapplying special diagnostic devices.If required, you will receive furtherinformation at these dealers. After anerror has been corrected, the data isdeleted from the error storage moduleor constantly overwritten.When using the vehicle, situationsmay occur in which this technicaldata related to other information(accident report, damages on thevehicle, witness statements, etc.) maybe associated with a specific person— possibly, with the assistance of anexpert.Additional functions contractuallyagreed upon with the client (e.g.,vehicle location in emergency cases)allow the transmission of particularvehicle data from the vehicle.OnStarIf the vehicle is equipped withOnStar ® and has an activesubscription, additional data may becollected through the OnStar system.This includes information about thevehicle's operation; collisions involvingthe vehicle; the use of the vehicle andits features; and, in certain situations,the location and approximate GPSspeed of the vehicle. Refer to theOnStar Terms and Conditions andPrivacy Statement on the OnStarwebsite.See OnStar Overview 0 338.Infotainment SystemIf the vehicle is equipped with anavigation system as part of theinfotainment system, use of thesystem may result in the storage ofdestinations, addresses, telephonenumbers, and other trip information.See the infotainment manual forinformation on stored data and fordeletion instructions.