ONSTAR 341Destination downloadIf equipped with this feature, a desireddestination can be directlydownloaded to the navigation system.Press | to call an advisor anddescribe the destination or point ofinterest.The advisor can look up any addressor point of interest and directly sendthe destination to the built-innavigation system.OnStar settingsOnStar PINTo have full access to all OnStarservices, a four-digit PIN is required.The PIN has to be personalised whenfirst talking to an advisor.To change the PIN, press | to call anadvisor.Account dataAn OnStar subscriber has an account,where all the data is stored. Torequest a change of the accountinformation, press | and talk to anadvisor or login to your account.If the OnStar service is used onanother vehicle, press | and requestthat the account be transferred to thenew vehicle.Note: In any case, if the vehicle isdisposed of, sold or otherwisetransferred, immediately informOnStar about the changes andterminate the OnStar service on thisvehicle.Vehicle locationThe vehicle location is transmitted toOnStar when service is requested ortriggered. A message on theInfo-Display informs about thistransmission.To activate or deactivate thetransmission of the vehicle location,press and hold ! until an audiomessage is heard.The deactivation is indicated by thestatus light flashing red and green fora short period of time and each timethe vehicle is started.Note: If the transmission of thevehicle location is deactivated, someservices are no longer available.Note: The vehicle location alwaysremains accessible to OnStar in thecase of an emergency.Find the privacy policy in youraccount.Software updatesOnStar may remotely carry outsoftware updates without furthernotice or consent. These updates areto enhance or maintain safety andsecurity or the operation of thevehicle.These updates may concern privacyissues. Find the privacy policy in youraccount.