KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS 31Passive LockingThe Keyless Access system will lockthe vehicle several seconds after alldoors are closed if the vehicle is offand at least one transmitter has beenremoved or none remain in thevehicle.The fuel door will also lock atthis time.If other electronic devices interferewith the RKE transmitter signal, thevehicle may not detect the RKEtransmitter inside the vehicle.If passive locking is enabled, the doorsmay lock with the RKE transmitterinside the vehicle. Do not leave theRKE transmitter in an unattendedvehicle.To customise the doors toautomatically lock when exiting thevehicle, see Vehicle Personalisation0 143.Temporary Disable of PassiveLockingTemporarily disable passive locking bypressing and holding K on theinterior door switch with a door openfor at least four seconds, or until threechimes are heard. Passive locking willthen remain disabled until Q on theinterior door is pressed, or until thevehicle is switched on.Remote Left In Vehicle AlertWhen the vehicle is turned off and anRKE transmitter is left in the vehicle,the horn will chirp three times afterall doors are closed. To turn on or offsee Vehicle Personalisation 0 143.Remote No Longer In Vehicle AlertIf the vehicle is on, with a door open,and then all doors are closed, thevehicle will check for RKEtransmitters inside. If an RKEtransmitter is not detected, the DriverInformation Centre (DIC) will displayNO REMOTE DETECTED and the hornwill chirp three times.This occurs only once each time thevehicle is driven.See Vehicle Personalisation 0 143.Keyless Boot OpeningPress the touch pad on the rear of thetrunk above the license plate to openthe trunk if the RKE transmitter iswithin 1 m (3 ft).Key AccessTo access a vehicle with a weaktransmitter battery, see Door Locks0 34.Programming Transmitters tothe VehicleOnly RKE transmitters programmed tothe vehicle will work. If a transmitteris lost or stolen, a replacement can bepurchased and programmed throughyour dealer. When the replacementtransmitter is programmed to thisvehicle, all remaining transmittersmust also be reprogrammed. Any lostor stolen transmitters will no longerwork once the new transmitter isprogrammed. Each vehicle can haveup to eight transmitters programmedto it. See your dealer to programtransmitters to this vehicle.