paper.* Legal may not be available depending on the country orregion of purchase.Change the paper.A4/8.5x11/8.5x14 Plain paperThe page size setting is set to a size other than A4, Letter-, orLegal-size. Set Page size to A4, 8.5"x11"(LTR), or8.5"x14"(Legal) and Type to Plain paper to print receivedfaxes.* Legal may not be available depending on the country orregion of purchase.Fax info does not match. Transmission has been canceled because the machinecould not detect the recipient's fax machine information orthe information did not match the dialed number. Thismessage is displayed when Check RX fax information is setto ON. For details, see Sending Faxes after CheckingInformation (Checking the Recipient's Information) .Reception rejected. Reception has been rejected because the fax matches thefax rejection condition specified by Fax reception reject. Fordetails, see Rejecting Fax Reception .Waiting for report output... When OFF is selected for Auto print in FAX user settings, areport will not be printed and stored in memory. Select ON forAuto print, then print the report.The power cord has been unpluggedand the FAX image data in memory hasbeen lost. Press OK.A power failure has occurred or the power cord has beenunplugged while the machine is turned on. Press the OKbutton.ImportantIf you disconnect the power cord, all the documentsstored in memory are deleted. Send or print necessarydocuments before disconnecting the power cord. Fordetails on how to unplug the power cord, refer to Noticefor Unplugging the Power Cord .Page topPage 914 of 1086 pagesA Message for Faxing Is Displayed on the LCD