CChhaapptteerr 22:: AAddvvaanncceedd PPrriinnttFFeeaattuurreessIImmpprroovviinngg PPrriinntteedd IImmaaggeessTwo important factors control the quality and output of your printed images:PPaappeerr aanndd IInnkk Using recommended paper or specialty media for printinggraphic images or photographs can significantly improve the quality of yourprintout. (See “Recommended Paper Use” on page 3.) Also, always use thespecific Canon inks for your S500 printer, as noted on the inside back cover.PPrriinntteerr DDrriivveerr SSeettttiinnggss There is a variety of settings you can use to enhancethe quality of the print, the colors and the way in which the documentcomes out of the printer.Many of these features are covered in this chapter. For moreinformation, see the S500 User’s Guide on the Setup Software& User’s Guide CD-ROM, or access the online help:While in the Properties window, press the FF11 key, or click inthe upper right corner then click the feature you want to knowmore about, or click the button when displayed.Turn Bubble Help on by selecting HHeellpp, then SShhooww BBuubbbblleeHHeellpp.AAddjjuussttiinngg PPrriinntt QQuuaalliittyyTwo of the features that affect the appearance and quality of your printeddocuments can be controlled with the printer driver.MMeeddiiaa TTyyppee The S500 automatically adjusts printer settings to improveprint quality based on the media type (plain paper, Glossy Photo Paper, etc.)you select.PPrriinntt QQuuaalliittyy When you select a media type, print quality is automaticallyset for that media. You can change print quality settings if desired.99