TToo aauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy ooppttiimmiizzee tthhee iimmaaggee iinn WWiinnddoowwss::Photo Optimizer PRO automatically adjusts a photographic image created with adigital camera. Use this feature to compensate for unsatisfactory color balance andover- or under-exposure before printing.1. From an application FFiillee menu, select PPrriinntt.2. With CCaannoonn SS550000 as the selected printer, click PPrrooppeerrttiieess.3. Select the EEffffeeccttss tab.4. Click to check the PPhhoottooOOppttiimmiizzeerr PPRROO check box.When PPhhoottoo OOppttiimmiizzeerr PPRROOis checked, the AAppppllyyTThhrroouugghhoouutt PPaaggee optionbecomes active. If this box isleft unchecked, the S500 willoptimize each imageindividually. If checked, allimages will be automaticallycorrected with the samesettings.5. When done, click OOKK.CChhaannggiinngg tthhee PPaaggee SSeettuuppYou can change how the image is printed without affecting the original imagefile.TToo cchhaannggee ppaaggee sseettuupp iinn WWiinnddoowwss::1. From an application FFiillee menu, select PPrriinntt.2. With CCaannoonn SS550000 as the selected printer, click PPrrooppeerrttiieess.3. Click the PPaaggee SSeettuupp tab.4. From this tab, you can change the following options:PPaaggee SSiizzee Defaults to the page size set in the original document, but canbe changed.OOrriieennttaattiioonn Lets you select either portrait or landscape orientation.Advanced Print Features1144