Basic Printing22WWhhaatt IIss aa PPrriinntteerr DDrriivveerr??Most computers require special software to link the software applications youuse to create documents or images with your printer. This software, called aprinter driver, converts information from the application into a format that theprinter can understand. The Canon S500 printer driver also provides otherfeatures such as monitoring the printer’s paper supply and ink levels.SSeelleeccttiinngg tthhee SS550000 PPrriinntteerr ffoorr UUsseeIf the S500 is the only printer connected to your computer, it will automaticallybe set as the default (main) printer. However, if your computer has access tomultiple printers, you can set the S500 as the default printer.TToo sseett tthhee SS550000 aass tthhee ddeeffaauulltt pprriinntteerr iinn WWiinnddoowwss ® ::1. Click SSttaarrtt, then SSeettttiinnggss, then PPrriinntteerrss.2. Right-click the Canon S500 printer icon, then click SSeett aass DDeeffaauulltt. The CanonS500 printer icon will display a check mark indicating it is the defaultprinter.TToo sseelleecctt tthhee SS550000 ffrroomm wwiitthhiinn aa WWiinnddoowwss aapppplliiccaattiioonn::Even if another printer is set as the default printer, you can still select the CanonS500 for a specific print job from within most Windows applications.Menus vary between applications. Consult your application userdocumentation if the Print option is not listed.1. From the FFiillee menu, click PPrriinntt.2. Select CCaannoonn SS550000 from the Name drop-down list, then click OOKK.TToo sseelleecctt tthhee SS550000 iinn MMaacc ® OOSS::1. Click AAppppllee, then CChhoooosseerr.2. Click the SS550000 printer icon. The S500 will remain the default printer untilanother is selected.