4. Click AAppppllyy again, then type a name for thesettings.5. Click OOKK. The Register Settings window willreappear.To save the new settings asyour default settings for theManual icon, click the name in the SSeettttiinnggss list, then clickDDeeffaauulltt.See the S500 User’s Guide on the Setup Software & User’sGuide CD-ROM for instructions on removing manual settingsand restoring default settings.6. When done, click CClloossee.TToo rreettrriieevvee aa ssaavveedd sseettttiinngg pprrooffiillee iinn WWiinnddoowwss::1. From an application FFiilleemenu, select PPrriinntt.2. With CCaannoonn SS550000 as theselected printer, clickPPrrooppeerrttiieess.3. Select the PPrrooffiilleess tab.4. Highlight the saved settingprofile you want to use.5. Click RReettrriieevvee ffrroomm PPrrooffiilleess,then click OOKK to confirm theprofile change. The profilesettings will become active.6. Click OOKK again to close the window.TToo rreeccaallll ddrriivveerr sseettttiinnggss iinn MMaacc OOSS::1. From an application FFiillee menu, select PPrriinntt.2. Click AAppppllyy, then select the name of your saved settings.3. Click DDeeffaauullttss, then OOKK.4. Click IImmppoorrtt, then CClloossee.Advanced Print Features1188