Troubleshooting2288Printer is notresponding(continued)Problem Possible Cause Try ThisBad cable Replace the printer cable.Computer and/orprinter needs tobe resetReboot the computer and/or reset the printer.1. To reboot the computer, close all open applications, then restart.2. To reset the printer, turn it off, then on again.Ink tanks are notseated properlyPrinter triedto print butno ink onpaperCheck the ink tanks, and reseat them if necessary. See “Replacing InkTanks” on page 20.PrintheadcloggedVerify that the printhead is working properly. See “Printing a NozzleCheck Pattern” on page 20 or “Cleaning the Printhead” on page 22.If necessary, perform multiple printhead cleanings. If print qualitydoes not improve, try deep cleaning. Perform printhead deepcleaning from the printer driver.Ink tanks mayneed to bereplacedVerify that you have sufficient ink in the ink tanks. See “MonitoringInk Levels” on page 19.If necessary, replace the ink tanks. See “Replacing Ink Tanks” onpage 20.Printhead mayneed to bereplacedVerify that the printhead is working properly. See “Printing a NozzleCheck Pattern” on page 20 or “Cleaning the Printhead” on page 22.If necessary, perform multiple printhead cleanings. See “Cleaning thePrinthead” on page 22. If the printhead is still not working properly,contact the Customer Care Center.Problem Possible Cause Try ThisPrintedcolors areincorrectOne or more inktanks installed inthe wrongpositionVerify that each ink tank is lined up with the correct color label inthe printhead. For more information, see “Replacing Ink Tanks” onpage 20.If ink tanks were placed in the incorrect color slots in the printhead,after switching the tanks to their correct slots, perform at least twoprinthead cleanings to remove the incorrect residual colors from theprinthead. For procedures, see “Cleaning the Printhead” on page 22.Incorrect ColorAdjustmentsettingWWIINNDDOOWWSS1. On the MMaaiinn tab of the S500 Properties window, confirmthat Color Adjustment is set to AAuuttoo.2. If MMaannuuaall is set, click the DDeeffaauullttss button on the ManualColor Adjustment window.TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg PPrriinntteedd OOuuttppuutt