5. Click and drag the CCoolloorr BBaallaannccee slidebar for each color to adjust the colorsettings. The results will preview.6. Click and drag the IInntteennssiittyy slide bar tochange the intensity (saturation) for theimage. The results will preview.7. IImmaaggee CCoolloorr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((IICCMM)) is afeature that automatically adjusts theimage colors. (This feature is only available in Windows 98, Me and 2000).To use ICM for automatic color adjustment, click the EEnnaabblleeIICCMM check box. All other features on this tab (except Intensity)will become inactive.8. Under PPrriinntt TTyyppee, select PPhhoottoo when printing photographs. This allows for awider range of tones. Set to GGrraapphhiicc when printing graphic images forcrisper, cleaner graphic images.9. Select a BBrriigghhttnneessss setting to determine how light or dark the image willappear when printed.10. When done, click OOKK.To print in black only, check the GGrraayyssccaallee PPrriinnttiinngg box. Thiswill convert color images to grayscale when printing, withoutchanging the original colors in the document.TToo mmaannuuaallllyy aaddjjuusstt ccoolloorr sseettttiinnggss iinn MMaacc OOSS::1. Make sure that the SS550000 is the selected printer. (From the AAppppllee menu,select CChhoooosseerr, then SS550000.)2. From an application FFiillee menu, click PPrriinntt.3. Click the MMaannuuaall print mode icon,then click DDeettaaiillss.4. Click the CCoolloorr icon.5. Adjust the CCoolloorr CCoorrrreeccttiioonn, PPrriinnttTTyyppee, GGaammmmaa CCoorrrreeccttiioonn, CCoolloorrBBaallaannccee and IInntteennssiittyy settings foryour image.6. When done, click OOKK, then PPrriinntt.Advanced Print Features1133