Use of a shielded cable is required to comply with Class B limits in Subpart B of Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Do not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless otherwise specified in the manual. If suchchanges or modifications should be made, you could be required to stop operation of the equipment.Canon U.S.A. Inc.Digital Home and Personal Systems Division2995 Red Hill AvenueCosta Mesa, CA 926261-800-423-2366CCaannaaddiiaann RRaaddiioo IInntteerrffeerreennccee RReegguullaattiioonnssThis digital apparatus does not exceed Class B limits for radio noise emissions from a digital apparatus as set outin the interference-causing equipment standard entitled “Digital Apparatus”, ICES-003 of the Industry Canada.Cet appareil numérique respecte les limites de bruits radio éléctiques applicables aux appareils numériquesde Classe B prescrites dans la norme sur le matériel brouilleur: “Appareils Numériques”, NMB-003 édictée parl’Industrie Canada.PPrroodduucctt SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnssSSyysstteemm RReeqquuiirreemmeennttssWWiinnddoowwss 9955//9988:: 486 processor; 16 MB RAM; 40 MB free hard disk spaceWWiinnddoowwss MMee:: Pentium® processor, 150MHz; 32 MB RAM; 40 MB free hard disk spaceWWiinnddoowwss 22000000:: Pentium processor, 133MHz or faster; 32 MB RAM for Professional, 64MB RAMfor Server; 25 MB free hard disk spaceWWiinnddoowwss NNTT 44..00:: Pentium processor; 16 MB RAM; 25 MB free hard disk spaceMMaacciinnttoosshh:: OS 8.5-9.x; USB port; 12 MB RAM; 30 MB free hard disk spaceThe BJ Status Monitor cannot be used when the printer isused in a network operating environment.PPrriinnttiinngg mmeetthhoodd:: Bubble Jet on-demandPPrriinnttiinngg rreessoolluuttiioonn:: Print Quality (media) Horizontal x VerticalHigh (specialty media) 2400 x 1200 dpiPPrriinntt ssppeeeedd:: (All print speeds are based on draft mode. Print speeds will vary depending onsystem configuration, software, document complexity, print mode and pagecoverage.):Black printing, high: 12 ppmColor printing, high: 8 ppmPPrriinntt ddiirreeccttiioonn:: Bi-directionalPPrriinntt wwiiddtthh:: 8.0 inches max. (203 mm)IInntteerrffaaccee ((ppaarraalllleell)):: IEEE 1284-compatibleIInntteerrffaaccee ((UUSSBB)):: USB 1.1-compatibleIInntteerrffaaccee ccoonnnneeccttoorr ((ppaarraalllleell)):: Amphenol 57-40360 or equivalentIInntteerrffaaccee ccoonnnneeccttoorr ((UUSSBB)):: USB standard Series B receptacleRReeccoommmmeennddeedd pprriinntteerr ccaabbllee ((ppaarraalllleell))::MMaatteerriiaall:: AWG28 or largerTTyyppee:: Twisted-pair shielded cableLLeennggtthh:: Up to 6.5 feet (2.0 m)CCoonnnneeccttoorrss:: Amphenol 30360 or equivalentAppendix4477