• Select a paper size from the PPaappeerr SSiizzee drop-down list. (If printing abanner, click to check the BBaannnneerr PPrriinnttiinngg check box, then follow the on-screen instructions.)• Set a SSccaallee percentage value between 50% and 200% to print the imagein a size different from the original document.• Click an OOrriieennttaattiioonn icon to change the page orientation.4. To save these settings for the next print job, click the SSaavvee SSeettttiinnggss checkbox.5. When done, click PPrriinntt.TToo cchhaannggee ppaaggee llaayyoouutt aanndd pprriinntt oorrddeerr iinn MMaacc OOSS::1. Make sure that SS550000 is the selectedprinter (from the AAppppllee menu, selectCChhoooosseerr, then SS550000).2. From an application FFiillee menu, clickPPrriinntt. The Print window will appear.3. Click OOppttiioonnss. The Options dialogbox will open.4. From the Options dialog box, you canenter or change the following:• To print in reverse order, checkthe PPrriinntt iinn rreevveerrssee oorrddeerr box.• If you are printing more than one copy, check the PPrriinntt ccoollllaatteedd ppaaggeessbox to collate each copy instead of printing all of page 1, then all of page2, etc.• Under LLaayyoouutt, click thedrop-down arrow tochange the number ofpages to print on a sheet(1 Page up to 16 Page).• If the page layout is otherthan 1 Page, you canselect a different PPaaggeeOOrrddeerr specific to theselected page layout.Advanced Print Features1166