TToo aauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy mmaakkee iimmaaggeess mmoorree ssmmooootthh iinn WWiinnddoowwss::Image Optimizer smoothes jagged edges formed when enlarging a photo orgraphic from its original size. It is most effective when used with low-resolutionimages.1. From an application FFiillee menu,select PPrriinntt.2. With CCaannoonn SS550000 as theselected printer, clickPPrrooppeerrttiieess.3. Click the EEffffeeccttss tab, then clickthe IImmaaggee OOppttiimmiizzeerr check box.4. Click OOKK to save this settingand close the S500 Propertieswindow.AAddjjuussttiinngg CCoolloorr BBaallaannccee,, IInntteennssiittyy aanndd BBrriigghhttnneessssYou can enhance color printing by adjusting the color balance, intensity(saturation) and brightness.For more information on these settings, see the S500 User’s Guideon the Setup Software & User’s Guide CD-ROM, or access theonline help (press FF11 or click in Windows; turn on Bubble Help inMac) while in the printer driver interface.TToo mmaannuuaallllyy aaddjjuusstt ccoolloorrsseettttiinnggss iinn WWiinnddoowwss::1. From an application FFiillee menu,select PPrriinntt.2. With CCaannoonn SS550000 as theselected printer, click PPrrooppeerrttiieess.3. On the MMaaiinn tab, under CCoolloorrAAddjjuussttmmeenntt, select MMaannuuaall.The Set button will become active.4. Click SSeett, and the ManualColor Adjustment dialog boxwill open.Advanced Print Features1122